


Light:LIGHT can be literal light, but it can also be defined as PRESENCE, FACT, and RISK, among a myriad of other things.

1.Rogue of Light

Rogue of Light. The Rogue class is the passive counterpart to the active Thief class, which means that
the Rouge steals for his/her teammates’ benefit rather than to benefit him/herself.

A Rogue of Light would need to learn how to believe in their luck, and have faith in their knowledge. A quest filled with a series of light-related puzzles is a simple example of a way to help these Rogues learn.

The Rogue of Light would have the ability to redistribute information, luck, and relevance to where it was most needed. They would be the friend to mercifully end a bad luck streak, fill in somebody who’d been left in the dark, and bring somebody hiding in the shadows out into the spotlight.

A Rogue of Light in the most basic terms is "one who steals Light for the benefit of others."

Rogue of Light: One who Invites Theft of Light or one who Invites Theft through Light
Rogues have problems coping with their Aspect or their supposed lack of it. They think they can’t actually handle it, causing them to give it up too easily. Their challenge is to come to terms with their Aspect and own it
Rogues of Light would have problems coping with any attention, importance or influence placed upon them, either thinking they don’t deserve what they have or being nervous about handling that kind of responsibility or feeling too exposed in general. They might not know where to look or who to turn to at times when they need information and clarity. Because they might think they’re not good enough or smart enough on their own, they might try to pass some importance or responsibilities onto other people. They might be uncomfortable being in the spotlight or in crowds or be nervous under pressure.
They have difficulty trusting their own perception and perspective on things, but they try to answer anyway if someone asks them an important question. They might be superstitious and feel like they are constantly have their good luck taken and bad luck thrown their way. They might even have a tendency to give away things that are important or meaningful to them or their own personal lucky charms to others. They might have trouble literally trusting their own eyes, thinking that they are seeing things that aren’t there, or thinking they are not seeing something correctly. They might even anxiously believe they are being constantly watched, even if nothing is there.
They may try to cope with all of this by seeking the answers and information wanted from them in other people. They may be too open and honest with people about what they believe, see or know, allowing that information to be taken and claimed by other people. They may willingly give up any legitimately earned attention and fame to other more undeserving people. They should be careful not to give up too much to other people, in case it comes back to bite them in the ass, like people start to legitimately believe they aren’t intelligent or not important, when they really are.

Rage:RAGE can be literal rage, but it can also be defined as INTENSITY, RESOLVE, and VIOLENCE, among a myriad of other things.

1.Heir of Rage

The role of an Heir of Rage in a typical Sburb session is a passive one; increase enemies’ rage (or decrease it, when necessary), decrease allies’ rage (or increase it, when necessary), and generally do their best to benefit the team. Prior to God-tiering, the Heir of Rage would be a very grumpy person.

2.Mage of Rage

Mage of Rage Understands rage, or understands through rage. Mages are the active half of the Understanding class, with their counterparts being the more passive Seers.

3.Maid of Rage

Maid of Rage. The Maid is the active creation class, which means that the Maid creates her aspect. In this case, the aspect is Rage, which has to do with negative emotion (such as anger and pain) and insanity. The maid of rage would be able to create negative emotion and insanity.

Void: Literal nothingness and absence. Metaphorically it represents secrets and obscurity. 

1.The Prince of Void

The Prince of Void is one who destroys with the power of Void and destroys the void itself. They can stop peoples lies and expose their secrets.

2.Maid of Void

The Maid of Void is the one who serves, creates, and maintains her aspect of nothingness, horrorterrors, secrets, and the furthest ring. Maids go throuhg a journey where they are trapped in their life, forced into a certain place beyond their control.

The Maid of Void can fuel misdirection, keeping an endless cycle of ignorance, apathy, and secrecy to ensure that nothing gets done, thereby serving Void with Void. The Maid would be great at wasting someone’s time and generally throwing wrenches into machines.

Space:Space is about creation, the shape and size of things and the fabric of space itself.

1.Heir of Space

Heir of Space. Heirs utilize their aspect to protect themselves. Heirs are often assisted by their aspect early on in the game as well. Space is about creation, the shape and size of things and the fabric of space itself.

2.Maid of Space: One who Creates with Space or Creates Space

A Maid of Space sounds like they would at first rely on others to start things with them. They would want others to be the initiators for friendships, relationships etc. They would maybe be bit of a loner and wait for other people to come up with an idea to go do something or have fun. Maybe they relied on others for their sense of fashion or personal image. They may even live with someone else, relying on them for literal Space.
Once they start relying on themselves for their Space, making their own decisions about things like personal image or their favorite things or places in life, they start becoming more fleshed characters as people and more successful Maids. They start becoming “Made” of Space and start having plenty of it to share with other people. They might create their own sense of fashion or start trusting their own intuition. Some might take up an art skill of some kind. Others might move somewhere they’ve always wanted to, or start sharing their personal Space with people of their choice, get into new relationships.
A Maid of Space is one who thinks ‘well if there isn’t room, then I’ll make room!”. They basically turn over a new life and begin anew, with a fresh brand new life. Porrim is a Maid of Space and is a great example of this. She has tattoos, piercings, her own sense of style and her own opinions about a lot of things. Maids are meant to become independent creatures full of their aspect, so full that they have enough to go around for everyone.

3.Prince of Space: One who Destroys with Space or Destroys Space

Princes ghost their opposite Aspects as they destroy theirs. They are violently stubborn pPrinces ghost their opposite Aspects as they destroy theirs. They are violently stubborn pessimistic people that stop at nothing to reach their goals. Their challenge is to not destroy themselves along their destructive path.
A Prince of Space will act much like a Time player because of this. On top of being violent and pessimistic, they would be destructive as well to anything around them, but it would be focused on waiting for the opportune moment to strike. They focus on the past and the future a lot, to the detriment of the present. They would be very stubborn and set in their ways, unable or even not wanting to change how they do or see things, wrongly believing that if they keep doing it over and over, eventually it will work. They seem like strict, careful planning, no nonsense types. Their destruction may even be carefully planned and deliberate to the point that they fail to due over complication. They might not have a lot of precision and might fail due to them not using Space very efficiently or precisely.
They might have a favorite physical weapon, one that maybe doesn’t require so much precision though, like a club or a mace. They would have a lot of assumptions about fate and destiny and will shut down anyone who tries to say that there might not be a purpose to life, they could even go as far to destroy any evidence to the contrary of what they think. They might also have trouble with the concept of personal Space and boundaries, often ignoring them or dismissing them completely. They will get up in your face about something if they want to and will not be ones to back down. They could also be an art or fashion “critic” or more likely vandal. Intentionally destructive Graffiti might be their thing. At their worst they are destructive robots of people, shutting down all things new and creative, stuck in their old stubborn ways, unable to change.
They might even be too focused on what the future may bring, so they can’t see the forest for the trees and ignore what goes on around them, too stuck in their thoughts. But all of this doesn’t mean they are right or wrong, just unwilling to change whatever it is that they think. They could be super aggressive about their thoughts on charged political topics, and there could be other Princes of Space on the opposite side, arguing their case just as strongly. They are soldiers, they are activists and they are mercenaries. They are not people you want to be enemies with, but they are also valuable friends when you share their side. Weirdly enough I’m getting Wile E. Coyote vibes from this one. If you didn’t already tell, I’m not one to say any class or aspect is all evil or all good, it’s all about perspective folks

4.Mage of Space

Mages will uniquely experience their Aspect, both good and bad. As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what their Aspect is or does. Their challenge is to become open to new insight or different perspectives than their own.
A Mage of Space would know all about the origins of things and how they change, because they’ve experienced it for themselves. They would know all the technical theory behind any kind of art, because they learned from their own failure. Their 6th sense like intuition for when things go wrong would be sharpened by all the random things that seem to break or go wrong around them. They may be very physically clumsy and trip over things a lot from their impatient rushing. This might give them amazing depth perception. They suffer from change, randomness and variation.
They might have too many things happening or going on around them, no peace or stability. They could have a passion for fashion, and know all things fashion and suffer from it, pain is beauty after all. They might be agoraphobic or claustrophobic, suffer from loneliness or being overcrowded, or they might just be allergic to frogs. They’re not likely to have a lot of close personal relationships, and if you want to get really dark you can wonder what “suffering from an unwanted creation” means if your character is female. But they would also know things about the world around them and day to day life.
They have all the experience for life and how to live. Their lives are fully lived and full of experience and there’s never a dull moment for them. They may have knowledge from traditional sources as well like books or school but are generally a hands on, do it yourself, fiddle with things kind of learner. For example, their toaster randomly broke, so they take it apart piece by piece, puzzle out what’s wrong and put it back together good as new, only to have it break again and so they fix it again. Eventually, they know everything there is to know about toasters and can give all kinds of advice when random things stop working.


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